To trust a product,
you have to trust the process…
Καινοτομώντας στην υγιεινή πλευρά του φεγγαριού
Ο Υγιεινός
μας τρόπος
Η Rubik’s παρουσιάζει μια εναλλακτική προσέγγιση στα comfort food. Ο κύριος μας στόχος είναι η προώθηση ενός υγιεινού τρόπου ζωής και γι’ αυτόν τον λόγο προσπαθούμε να κάνουμε τα προϊόντα μας νόστιμα. Η ισορροπία μεταξύ υγείας και γεύσης είναι μια προκλητική και μερικές φορές περίπλοκη διαδικασία (όπως η επίλυση ενός κύβου Rubik), αλλά όταν τα καταφέρουμε, νιώθουμε υπερήφανοι για τα προϊόντα μας. Τελικά… είμαστε περήφανοι για το φαγητό μας!!
Rubik’s Laboratoire
…at the end of the day is good to trust your food!
Learn more…Οργανικά
Υψηλής ποιότητας υλικά
100% vegan
Χωρίς ζάχαρη, Χωρίς έλαια,
Χωρίς συντηρητικά
with local farmers
stone mill for cold extraction
Rubik’s Seed
Small bio, organic farm to experiment and produce our own pure raw materials
We are in our first tiny steps to run our own small bio, organic farms in north Greece. We are totally far from being self-sufitient, but our big dream is there! And is nice to have green and shiny dreams!
We love Data, Engineering,
Innovation & Food. Mainly Food…
Our core interest lies in the area of Food Technologies and
Sustainability for a possitive footprint!
Mainly we work internal projects but we are always open for
collaboration on research or innovation ideas that are inlined with our core values!
Rubik’s Superfood and Coffee
A brunch place with respect to ingredients, to nature, to people.
Rubik’s Patra
Opened in 2018, in the Center of Patras. The first Rubik’s was a reality!
ADDRESS: Karaiskaki 140, Zip 26225, Patra
HEAD CHEF: Konstantina Siousoura
Rubik’s SKG
Opened in 2021, in the Center of Thessaloniki. Let’s Go North!
ADDRESS: Geor. Theochari, Zip 54621, Thessaloniki
HEAD CHEF: Dimosthenis Stamatis
Rubik’s MRT
Opened in 2024, in Martiou Street in Thessaloniki. Lets Go Big!
ADDRESS: 25 Martiou 11, Zip 54645, Thessaloniki
HEAD CHEF: Petros Polatoglou
Who we are
Poke us & learn more!
Holds BSc in Chemical Engineering and MSc in nutrition. She loves studying, learning and experimenting on the impact of food on her body and phycology (Sophia is rubik’s lab-mouse, we are animal friendly 🐭)! We never understand why she didn’t follow an academic career and decided to run Rubiks, but we are happy for that! Most of the days! 😜
sofia – ceo
Holds BSc in Physics, MSc in Radio Engineering and PhD in Applied Mathematics. He loves numbers, business analysis, automated processes and occasionally… humans. At 99.9% of the time the system works in a steady state, for the rest 0.1%, most of the time Sofia is somehow involved! 🤯
george – cfo/cto
Worked in almost all of his life in the food and beverage sector in every possible role, from local stores to large multinational corporations. He is a kind person that loves a cup of good coffee, a balanced meal, some booze… but mainly loves his peace! We know that he dreams of being alone with a surfboard somewhere in Canaria and speaking with no-one. But he loves us! We hope so! 🤣
kostas – chro
Studied Economics and specialised in… not practicing it. An obviously artistic soul, responsible for designing innovative products. She is the most talented kid in town and produces more ideas than we can digest. On the other hand, the periodicity between her absolut joy to infinite sadness is roughly 1.5 hours. Artists are artists! 😎